Santa Cruz公司的產品由上海拜力生物科技有限公司代理銷售。
Santa Cruz公司詳細產品信息請聯系 電話:
021-33779006 33779008 ********
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Santa Cruz簡介
Santa Cruz生物技術在生物醫藥研究市場的發展中處于****地位。在過去的二十多年中,公司一直致力于研究抗體、生化試劑、實驗室耗材的持續發展,并于近期擴展到動物保健品領域。
Santa company is the worlds largest manufacturers of antibody production, at present the available antibody up more than twenty thousand kinds of species, covering almost all the current life science research field, its each antibody and the multiple clones can be selected, but also provide some corresponding protein standards and related products, such as ABC kits, all kinds of tag two -, Western kit, the molecular weight of the protein Marker, nuclear extracts, for immunology provides great convenience.
Santa Cruz biotechnology in medical and biological research on the development of the market in the leading position in the world. In the past 20 years, the company has been committed to the study of antibody, biochemical reagents, laboratory supplies of sustained development, and recently extended to the field of animal health products.
Santa Cruz產品代理公司上海拜力科技有限公司簡介詳情
上海拜力生物科技有限公司——依托復旦大學,集研發、銷售、實驗室技術服務于一體的高科技企業。 專業經營進口胎牛血清、細胞因子、ELISA試劑盒等實驗室試劑、化工產品、實驗室消耗品、實驗室耗材以及實驗室器材。產品涉及分子生物學、細胞生物學、細菌學、遺傳學、免疫學、生物化學、蛋白質學、細胞治療、**應用等領域。 主要產品及服務: 血清 細胞 抗體 細胞因子 試劑盒 實驗試劑 實驗耗材 技術服務 實驗儀器
Santa Cruz產品是由上海拜力生物科技有限公司代理銷售。
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